Personality & People Bingo Toolkits

 (Get your own copy with blue buttons below - when it opens, "File," "Make a Copy" Keep Comments)

This toolkit helps you and your team (think work, home, church, etc) to better understand yourselves and those you do life with.  You can use the tools to help get a sense of who is on the team, how they think, understand "why" they do things the way they do, and so forth.  From that initial understanding, you can use other research in the space to better learn how to best interact with those around you and how those interactions/efforts will be best served.  We would recommend you read the litany of great books out there by experts on each test to get a full sense of what your results may mean.  

* Personality Tests Workbook

This toolkit is a great ice breaker style personality trait or surprise element.  You can ask for "one fact no one knows" sort of information for a class or conference registration.  The toolkit will then put those onto "bingo cards" and answer keys so that you can have folks mingle and chat to figure out who is who and connect in a low stress sort of way.  

* People Bingo (Responses)

Final Product Examples (All data is notional, not all products are shown - just a sample)

We Prepare Tools - Change Record